Atlanta's Centennial Olympic Park: Elephant Days (Podcast)
This park, created for the 1996 Olympic Games held in Atlanta, has 21 acres of green space, rock gardens and artwork. The nearly 500,000 commemorative bricks that make up its main walkway were part of fundraising efforts for the Games. During scorching Atlanta summers, children frolic in the ground-level Olympic Rings, which periodically shoot streaming arcs of water in time to the seven light and music concerts put on throughout the day. Flags honoring the nations that have played host to the Olympics in the past surround the fountain. Free admission. More »
Centennial Park in itself is not a real destination unless you have children. On a hot summer day it is a perfect place for them to cool off in the interactive fountains, which are timed and choreographed to musical numbers. There are always scores of children in bathing suits or shorts adn tshirt running through and playing in the fountains...

The Fountain of Rings at Centennial Olympic Park. This is how the fountain looked very early in the morning when I started to shoot downtown Atlanta. As you can see there is no water -- yet. Later on the day, water will come out of the Olympic rings in the floor and people from all ages will take it as an opportunity to escape the Atlanta hot summer.
Centennial Park in itself is not a real destination unless you have children. On a hot summer day it is a perfect place for them to cool off in the interactive fountains, which are timed and choreographed to musical numbers. There are always scores of children in bathing suits or shorts adn tshirt running through and playing in the fountains...
Centennial Olympic Park Address: 265 Park Ave W NW, Atlanta, GA 30313-1591 Tel: 404 223 4412 Fax: 404 223 4499
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Nate PerkinsNate Perkins Live [TV] ChannelCEO
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285 Centennial Olympic Park Dr
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Nate PerkinsNate Perkins Live [TV] ChannelCEO
Nate Perkins Enterprises
285 Centennial Olympic Park Dr
Suite 2302
Atlanta, Georgia 30313
nateperkins@bellsouth.netHome : 1-770-331-4002
Work : 770-331-4002
Cell : 770-331-4002

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